Wednesday, August 25, 2010

PREPENT5771 Day 16 8.25

High Holy Days Journey with Amichai Lau-Lavie: 40 ways in 40 days to find your focus

Make Time For Quality Time

The ‘let’s do lunch’ cliché is well worn and familiar, even when it sometimes does manifest. What would it take to really plan ahead and plan carefully in the year ahead for quality time with the ones we love and don’t get to see as often as we’d like?

We’re 16 days into the 40-day count – and 14 days away from the start of this New Year. Time to plant the seeds.

Yesterday was about the first wish list – 1-10 people

you love in your life and wish to spend more time with this coming year. I got a lot of great feedback from people who loved this task and made the lists.

The next step is to think of what to do with this list, how to prioritize the names on it, and start activating this quality time plan. For me, it means booking a flight to Israel, arranging for a weekly phone call, and carving out time way in advance, away from endless work, for the playground.

To make sure I do it, as part of my self-reflection and perfection of being journey to this new year – I am giving myself the deadline of Rosh Hashanah – reach out to the people on my list, tell them that I love them, and why, and make plans. Period. (Time is such a precious commodity. Using this Jewish time-calendar grid/system in order to make better usage of one’s time is one of the reasons I so love this spiritual technology known as the High Holidays process. It works.)

(20 min. daily bodywork report: rowing machine, sit-ups, weights.)

Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas as we move forward and, as always, you may find more information about our High Holy Day services by visiting,

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